Friday, April 16, 2010

Face the facts.

Everyone has a certain something that, whatever it may be, whenever they're feeling down in the dumps, or just need a little "boost", it has the ability to turn things in a complete 180. The ability to make us feel on top of the world, and stronger than we ever thought we were. A light at the end of the tunnel in a way.

For me, it's not a song.
It's not a movie.
It's not a book.
It's not a baked good.
It's nothing material, in fact.

Of all things it could be, it's that first homecoming. Boot camp family day and graduation. There's a lot of memories throughout the past few years that stick out perfectly in my mind, but these two days, were perfect. Every minute. Every hour. I wouldn't trade them for the world. It may seem silly, but I replay them in my mind full out, and it can make any mood 810567316 x better. There was no better feeling up to that day, than seeing him dressed and pressed in uniform, standing tall and proud as one of the few and the proud. No greater love, than that first hug and kiss.

Now, there are a few people that...are not exactly, "supportive" of the life I've chosen with Austin. I have been talked about behind my back, betrayed by people I once trusted as my best friends, and I won't lie. It hurts more than anything. But I'm don't regret anything about the choices I've made, or the path I've chosen to take. I have nothing to apologize for, and nothing to take back. There's a reason that there are only a few people I trust in my life as of late, and it's because those people have given me true reason to keep them in my life. They have been there for me when hardly anyone else cared to be. They have seen me at my worst, therefore, they deserve me at my best. They have offered a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, or just simply, an ear to listen to me bitch and moan.

I'm not perfect. No where near being even close. But just because I've made mistakes, or done things that some people don't approve of, does that mean I can't be happy ? Does that mean that I don't deserve to do what makes me happy, or what I want in life ?

I've decided only one thing matters in my life right now, and that's my happiness. I will do whatever it takes, to keep what makes me happy. I will cut out people who bring me down, if I have to. But one way or another, I am going to continue being happy.

1 comment:

  1. As long as you are happy with your life, that's what matters!

    P.S. I hope this doesn't sound weird, but your hair is gorgeous! If I come back in another life, I want to be a redhead :)
