Saturday, April 24, 2010

Gotta love family time.

For those of you who have never met my dads new wife (wow that's weird to say, he just remarried two weeks ago), you have not met a true Stepford Wife before. It's not a bad thing at all, but Miss Heidi Halbers, now Langstaff, is the epitome of perfect mom in as many ways as you can think. It's so cheesy sometimes it used to make me want to vomit. Here's an example of what I mean.

The first time me and my best friend Skylar ever came over to her house, she told us "there's always baked goods in the kitchen or in the oven so help yourself !" We thought she was joking, but lo-and-behold, walking into the kitchen we see; a plate of brownies, sugar cookies and there's a batch of chocolate chip cookies in the oven. You'd think after a few visits to her house, with multiple teenage groups coming and going, she'd run out of sweets and goodies, nope. I've been living here for about 5 months now and there are still baked goods in the kitchen every time you look for them.

Convinced yet ? You will be.

There's movie nights. They started out every Sunday night me and her two twins would join the two of them in the master bedroom for a movie, but now, with hectic crazy schedules, it's kind of...spastic scheduling.

You can always count on one thing during dinner though. She's started something where we go around the table, and each person has to tell everyone the highlight of their day and the low-point of their day. At first, I thought it was a joke, and it was first brought up a weekend which Austin was staying with us and we both looked at each other after like, "is this real ?" but it was still fun and entertaining while it lasted.

Now that it's getting into summer season however, we have a new tradition on weekends. Weekend morning, instead of having breakfast inside as we normally would, we eat a full course breakfast meal, ham, eggs, bacon, potatoes, OJ and milk, outside on the backyard patio...

Sometimes I feel like I'm living in some perfect little family movie. You know, the ones where nothing ever goes wrong, and the parents are happy as can be yada freaking yada ? That one.

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