Monday, April 5, 2010

Been a while.

Well I'm not gonna lie, definitely forgot I made one of these. Whoops ? Write everyday on here for the next three months ? Ha.

Okay, so it's not really a lie. I mean, I DID write, every day (or close enough) for three months while Austin was in boot camp, but not on here. Yeah, I actually kept a journal. I guess you could count my daily letters to him in that as well ?

Anyways, enough of that. A lot has changed since my first post on here, a LOT. Where to begin ? Well, as you can see, I survived the first three months of being introduced to the Marine Corps family. Family day and graduation are by far, two of the most amazing days I have ever had. Boot leave and RA came and went, and Austin started up SOI. We got lucky, he came home every weekend nearly, for Thanksgiving, and 2 weeks during Christmas and New Years. He's in Hawaii now though, and has been for the past 2 months. It's been hard on us, to put it simply. We're still adjusting to it, but we'll be able to get through it. I've been able to go out once to visit, but of course it is NEVER enough. It's alright though, the best things in life are the things worth waiting for :)

Despite the amount of fights we get into, over the stupidest things. And all the names we call eachother just for the hell of it. I love my Marine more than anything else in my life and can't wait for the day I get him 24/7, for the rest of our lives. We're going on strong 9 months now and nothing's getting in our way anymore. We won't let it.


  1. Keep blogging! And in the meantime have a Sunshine Blog Award!

  2. What's a sunshine blog award ? Hahaha, and yes I'll continue my blogging :D
